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What is Market to MOHAI?
Stretching from Pike Place Market to the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI), Market to MOHAI is a safe, engaging pedestrian corridor connecting Seattle’s Waterfront, Belltown, Denny Triangle, and South Lake Union neighborhoods. The corridor will serve residents and visitors alike as they commute to work, shop, and enjoy our vibrant, evolving city.
See the City through New Eyes
The Market to MOHAI Corridor connects two Seattle landmarks. It gives new perspectives through quotes and interpretation and embraces Seattle’s changes from past, present to future. It also invites us to slow down and enjoy our great city and connects four of Seattle’s great parks.
Marking the Corridor
Two components guide pedestrians along the Market to MOHAI Corridor. Quotes underfoot reflect life in the city. Interpretive panels—history blades—attach to light posts and reveal a nugget of Seattle history for each point along the trail.